Soundbaths and Meditations

At the Centre we also offer relaxing Soundbaths and Gongbaths.
A Gongbath will include the Gong or a few gongs as well as a few percussion instruments.
A Soundbath may include a few main instruments, such as the Gong, Himalayan bowls, Crystal bowls and more.
At the Centre we offer relaxing Soundbaths and Gongbaths. A Soundbath/Gongbath takes your brainwaves from an active Beta state to a relaxed Alpha or even Theta state. Studies and research over many years has shown the wonderful benefits of a Soundbath/Gongbath and has shown that it can help with pain relief, muscle tension, feeling mentally and emotionally at peace, promoting a positive mood state, a healthy blood pressure and heart rate as well as a great night’s sleep.
A sound bath is a meditative experience during which a group of people lie down and listen to resonant sounds. Instruments such as the Gong and singing bowls create an echoing sound that feels like it fills the room and envelopes your whole being, immersing you almost like water in a bath.
The sounds take you into an altered state of consciousness which is a very natural human state, allowing you to completely relax. Some people notice colours and shapes, while others experience feelings of bliss and AHA moments. You may even physically experience the sound where you may feel really heavy and weighted down or even floaty and as though you have lost the edges of your body. These experiences are enjoyed and when you come back into your normal waking state you feel refreshed and calm, as though you achieved something great and had a good nights sleep.
Every month, new Sound events and meditation dates are added.
Events can be booked at or by contacting Kelly on 07508 509016 or at